Friday, October 23, 2015

Why Students Cheat In Exams?

In India to each student marks mean everything.Parents also force their children to get good marks in exams.None of the student is allowed to live their dream but is forced to study and do a job under a government bank.Parents are afraid as the Indian society is such that no one can live his/her dreams without bribery in any field.
The pressure of getting good marks and good grades sometimes even force the student to leak the question paper or cheat in exams,as parents would punish them if they are not getting good marks.
Parents want their children to live their dream but not the child to live his dream.

Sometimes this pressure so much that the students commit suicide or sometimes kill their parents.

But in some cases the students do not study the whole year and last time mug up process creates pressure on the student and makes the student to take wrong path.Cheating in the exam making chits are some of the things that the students do in the exam.

Parents must understand that they should preesurise their children and let them live their dreams.And the students should also study at time so that the students are able to do  well in the exams.

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